
Chocolate Covered Frozen Bananas with Worms

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting Chad Mertz from the Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal on What's Hot (55KRC). We talked bugs and dinosaurs, strong women and Bodies.

Perhaps most notable were the bug recipes that he brought for us. Here is just a sampling:

Chocolate Covered Frozen Bananas with Worms

Bamboo Worms
Chocolate Chips

1. Slice bananas into one-inch pieces.
2. Cover each banana slice with a bamboo worm.
3. Melt chocolate chips in the microwave and stir immediately until smooth.
4. spoon melted chocolate over the banana pieces.
5. Immediately freeze.
6. Eat frozen and enjoy!

Bamboo worms are available canned or preserved on-line.

We will not be serving you bugs anytime soon. Check it out at the Museum Center. Yowzers. That's all I have to say.

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