
Affiliate Marketing on cookingwithcaitlin.com

Cooking with Caitlin is a web-based business focused on building community around food and all the yummy things happening with food, including family fun and entertaining. cookingwithcaitlin.com is chock full of fresh recipes, how-to videos, and yummy pictures. Along the road to building our little piece of web real estate, our great fortune has presented us with many catering gigs, as well as television and radio opportunities.

While we are grateful for every new project, our focus continues to be what it has always been: a thriving online neighborhood united in food. Everything we do, everything we cook, everything we create is in an effort to drive traffic to cookingwithcaitlin.com. With this is mind, we are delighted to announce the new and improved and just-about-ready-to-unveil Shop CWC. It’s busting at the seams with Cooking with Caitlin logo wear, cookbooks, even kitchen tools and supplies. And it’s just one more reason for you to visit cookingwithcaitlin.com.

The updated Shop CWC works through affiliate marketing. In fact, it is affiliate marketing programs that turn the internet business that is cookingwithcaitlin.com into a money making idea, one that allows you to shop at home. It’s a win-win all the way around. It all begins with the introductions we make between our friend named “you “ and our friend called “Amazon” or “Café Press” or “Tastebook.”

When visiting us, you can either go directly to the online store that is Shop CWC, or you can follow our leads within your favorite recipes, videos, and articles. That is, the next time you’re reading the directions on where to chill a chocolate-dipped raspberry, you will be able to purchase the cookie sheet Caitlin recommends right off of cookingwithcaitlin.com. We’ll link there smack dab in the middle of the sentence, and you will soon be chilling your raspberries on the same sheet Caitlin chills hers.

The great news with all of this affiliate craziness is that we – Molly, Caitlin, and Kelly of Cooking with Caitlin – receive a percentage of the price of whatever piece of Shop CWC you decide to purchase. By making the introduction, we get a little referral fee. And every single cent you send our way is a huge help to us as we work to bring you cookingwithcaitlin.com everyday. So, even if you are buying a book, or a sweater, or a weed-wacker we have not suggested, please click to Amazon through Shop CWC. It allows us to work on the recipes and other reasons to celebrate you come for at cookingwithcaitlin.com.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about the polished up cookingwithcaitlin.com. And thank you in advance for doing your shopping with our online affiliate marketing.


Market on Fountain Square

Below are the latest photos from The Market on Fountain Square. It is always one of our most favorite days - so many fun people passing through and stopping by. You can hardly tell how much we love it. Especially check out some of the pics of Kelly's reactions. Do you think she is having a good time? :)

Thanks to all who came. We are looking forward to The Cooking with Caitlin Show with Sheila Gray today. We're making Pizzas!




The Cooking with Caitlin Show with Special Guests: Jean-Robert de Cavel and Mark Avondoglio

Below are the behind the scenes pictures from The Cooking with Caitlin Show with Special Guests: Jean-Robert de Cavel and Mark Avondoglio. It was an honor to cook for the both of them - and quite intimidating. Because of it, we went as kitsch-y as we could. The show will be live and on cookingwithcaitlin.com in the next day or two.



The Cooking with Caitlin Show with Special Guest Jeff Thomas

Thank you, thank you to Jeff Thomas of Q102's Morning Show. Here are some behind the scenes photos from today's show. We had a great time and Jeff sure was a great guest to have on. We talked "radio voices" and drank sangria, ate some great steak that Caitlin cooked up and washed it all down with poached peaches and ice cream.

If you were not able to come today (or unwilling to risk getting rained on), the show will be live and on Time Warner starting early next week - as well as on our website.

The next Cooking with Caitlin Show special guest: Jean-Robert.
Wednesday, June 10th
Fountain Square


The Market on Fountain Square - Week One!

Thank you, thank you to all who came down to our booth yesterday. We were just thrilled to be there and to get to see so many familiar faces. The Market for us is truly the start of the summer and some of our most favorite memories from last year. Below are the pictures from the day!

See you next week! 11AM - 2PM on Tuesdays!


Chocolate Covered Frozen Bananas with Worms

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting Chad Mertz from the Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal on What's Hot (55KRC). We talked bugs and dinosaurs, strong women and Bodies.

Perhaps most notable were the bug recipes that he brought for us. Here is just a sampling:

Chocolate Covered Frozen Bananas with Worms

Bamboo Worms
Chocolate Chips

1. Slice bananas into one-inch pieces.
2. Cover each banana slice with a bamboo worm.
3. Melt chocolate chips in the microwave and stir immediately until smooth.
4. spoon melted chocolate over the banana pieces.
5. Immediately freeze.
6. Eat frozen and enjoy!

Bamboo worms are available canned or preserved on-line.

We will not be serving you bugs anytime soon. Check it out at the Museum Center. Yowzers. That's all I have to say.