
Life in the Big City

Let’s just say it doesn’t start ‘til dark. Dinner doesn’t, anyway. Until 10 p.m. to be exact. I know this after our whirlwind dance through New York City last week. Caitlin, Molly, and I had planned it as an eating tour of the city. We never expected to devour every morsel in every New York minute.

In one turn of the fork, I was trading popcorn soup and bison burgers with my fellow foodies. In the next, Molly and I were sharing brow-mopping responsibilities on Caitlin who was in a constant state of gape-mouth as the culinary players of her dreams performed fantastic feats on the stage before her.

It was a phenomenal experience. Every moment of our 48-hour trip was carefully and perfectly planned by the Hostess with the Mostess, Molly Nunlist-Young. Let this be just the beginning of our thanks to her and praise for her work. As the moments marinate in my mind, I will delight you with the details.

Signing off with sweet dreams of NYC,

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